Remember the victims of September 11th

Trivia question:  What were the words on the front of the building (on each side)?

Click on the picture for the answer.

Welcome Classmates

Charmaine passed along an interesting story: 

Did you know that Mary Allen's grandfather on her mother's side (Schexnayder) and his four brothers owned the Ormond house and plantation from 1900 to 1926? She said her Mom lived there when she was a small child. All the years I have known Mary, she has never said a word to anyone about this. She told me a couple of months ago when I talk to her. She said her grandfather and her Mom's picture hangs in the house. There's a reference to the Schnexnaydes in the history of Ormond, which you can see here.

If you have an interesting story about a classmate, send it to me at  

Pictures of the 2012 Reunion

I received some pictures from the 2012 Reunion, which you can see here.  If you have some pictures of the reunion, please email copies to me at 

Here's some pictures from our High School Play "Have No Gun -- Am Traveling," and a few from the Senior Trip.

I received some pictures from the 1993 Reunion!  Take a look here to see how much your classmates changed in 10 years.


A new poetry section has been added consisting of poems suggested by classmates.  Click here.

Here's something for the Vietnam vets of our class.

All the pictures that were made available to me of the 2002 reunion are up now - take a look here.

I also put the pictures of individual classmates on their biographies - so go look at yours, and everyone else's.  We now have a quite a few of our classmates' stories.

If you find errors or omissions, or if you'd like to change your bio, or add some pictures, send an e-mail to  

And for those classmates who haven't sent in their story - if you know their story, send it to the webmeister.  After all, we called the stories "biographies" and not "autobiographies"!

Here's some pictures from our high school days. If you have a picture of high school, please send it to the webmeister.


Bill Haley - Rock Around the Clock Brenda Lee - I'm Sorry Buddy Holly - Peggy Sue Coasters -Searchin'
Elvis Presley - Are You Lonesome Tonight? Fats Domino - Blueberry Hill Jimmy Clanton - Just a Dream Rolling Stones - Satisfaction
Seal - Kiss From a Rose Shirelles - Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?    


Stanley P. Berard

Lorah and L. D. Jackson

Hopefully coming soon - Mrs Dufrense, and Prof Keller.

List of Classmates - Click on a name to read their biography. Those marked with # have been updated for 2012.  Those marked with * are deceased.

Allen, Mary (Mary Allen Crouse)

Andry, Donna (Donna Andry Torres)

Barrient, Sr., Herman R. (Sonny)*

Bergeron, Glenna (Glenna Bergeron Jacob)

Bergeron, Walter

Berthelot, Laura (Laura Berthelot Vicknair)

#Beverung, Charmaine Cambre

Bly, Luke

Boudin, Henry

Bourg, Polly Montz

Braud, Nella (Nella Braud Duplessis)

Bunt, Diana (Diana Bunt Semon)

Calcagno, Salvadore

#Cambre, Charmaine (Charmaine Cambre Beverung)

Coulon, Marie Claude Madere

Crouse, Mary Allen

#Crowell, Mildred Nichols

Culver, Jr., William S. (Bill)

Cunningham, Carol (Carol Cunningham Stone)

Duplessis, Nella Braud

#Dupre, Jr., William

Edwards, Brenda (Brenda Edwards Galliano)

Egnath, Paul

Ferraro, Joseph

Fryoux, Gene

Galliano, Brenda Edwards

Gauthreaux, Lionel

Granier, Margaret Ann Vitrano

Guidry, Edward

Guidry, Leonard

Guyton, Paul

Henderson, Jr., Boyle J.

#Henderson, P. Michael

Jacob, Glenna Bergeron

Jacobs, Joyce Ory

#Jarrett, Billy

#LeDoux, Linda Vitrano

LeDoux, Preston*

Lorio, E. J.

Lupo, Sandra Wheeler

Macloud, Gary*

Madere, Jane (Jane Madere Roussel)

Madere, Marie Claude (Marie Claude Madere Coulon)

Matherne, Barry

McMurry, Courtney

Mollere, Wayne Benjamin

Montz, Polly (Polly Montz Bourg)

#Meyers, Kent

Nelson, Jr., Dale F.*

#Nichols, Mildred (Mildred Nichols Crowell)

Ory, Joyce (Joyce Ory Jacobs)

Palmisano, Bobby

#Pfister, Allen

Pfister, Arsen*

#Pickering, Diane Vicknair

#Pisciotti, Anthony

Powell, Kathleen Roussel

Razzato, Doris Russell

Remel, Mydris

Roussel, Jane Madere

Roussel, Kathleen (Kathleen Roussel Powell)

Roussel, Terry

Russell, Doris (Doris Russell Razzato)

Russell, Garnet Weber

Semon, Diana Bunt

Schexnayder, Brenda*

Simoneaux, Harold

Stone, Carol Cunningham

Torres, Donna Andry

#Vicknair, Diane (Diane Vicknair Pickering)

Vicknair, Laura Berthelot

Vicknair, Oliver

#Vitrano, Linda (Linda Vitrano Ledoux)

Vitrano, Margaret Ann (Margaret Ann Vitrano Granier)

Waguespack, Lynn

Weber, Garnet (Garnet Weber Russell)

Wheeler, Sandra (Sandra Wheeler Lupo)


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