Wayne Benjamin Mollere
Hello Class of 1962
Married Patsy Schexnaider and we will be celebrating our 34th anniversary in May.
Father of three sons, Chad who is a lawyer with firm of Lisk & Lewis in New Orleans. John is Health and Safety Manager with Shaw Group in Baton Rogue and Patrick is forensic scientist with Louisiana State Police crime lab in Baton Rouge.
Patsy and I will be retiring sometime this year, we have done some traveling and hope to do much more after retiring and of course we have two grandchildren now which I guess will take up some visiting time.
Through the grace of God we have had wonderful years of good health, wonderful families and prosperous lives.
Looking forward to seeing everybody in April.
1993 biography
Seems like a long time since '62 but the time has really gone by fast for me. Will be working at Shell for 27 years this coming June, been married 25 years this May. Our oldest son finished up at Loyola last May. Second son is in his fourth year at Northeast in Monroe. Third son is a sophomore at Catholic High in Baton Rouge. So you can see why I have been working and where my money has been going!!! Don't have too much longer for retirement (10 years, I hope) then I'd like to travel.