Sandra Wheeler Lupo

  Since our last reunion which was April 1993 lots has happened and really too much to even try to update. So will try to make it as brief as possible for every one's sake. My mother became ill in May 1993 and died August 23, 1994. Since that time, my view of life has changed so much - the important things to me are God and my family and friends and every thing else takes a back seat. No job, no position, no amount of money can be as important as God, my family, and friends. My dad died September 29, 1998 and again my life changed forever because I lost my other parent.

Our daughter Kristi is married to Kurt Schwabenland and they have two precious little girls - Anna Eloise and Claire Ashlan. Our son, also a Kurt, is married to Kayla and they do not yet have any children. We have one dog - Fella and an old black cat - Kirby and four stray cats on our back porch that I had fixed so there will be no more reproducing for them. A few raccoons and possums come on the porch to eat left over cat food.

Doyle is still in the pharmaceutical business but with another company now. I am also with another company too. We both got down sized in 1994 and 1995 with companies we had been with for 12 years. It really does seem there is truly no security with any job anymore. So we are now hoping the stock market will go back up - since all our 401-K money is tied up in it and it is not doing too well. Oh - well, we wanted to work till 85 anyway - what would we do with all that free time if we retired - Yeah, Right!!!!!!!

Life really has been good to both of us and our family and we are very thankful for what we have. Especially to be able to live in a Free country and be so very Blessed in so many ways that we have taken for granted until Sept. 11, 2001.

So for now - God Bless America and all of us too!!

Hope to see everyone at the Reunion for 1962 DHS Graduates - should be GREAT.

1993 biography

To be quite frank, I’m running out the door now to get on the road again!! So, to keep it real simple and concise, life has been fun and exciting, happy and sad – all rolled into the last thirty years since DHS.

Most important in my years to date are my husband, children, family and friends and a very clear knowledge that God has certainly been good to me.