Mary Allen Crouse
It's hard to believe
that it has been 40 years since we graduated. Those years really flew by.
After graduation, I started working for Krause Department store downtown N.O. in the offices. Paul Guyton and I were married in '62 and lived in N.O. Our daughter Rhonda was born in '63. We eventually bought a home in Marrero and I started working for Sears in the auditing department. Paul and I were divorced in '70 and I moved back home with my daughter.
Two years later I met and married Dennis Burkholder. He was originally from Pennsylvania working for IBM in N.O. We had our son, Troy, in '72 and 6 months later I quit Sears and we were transferred back to Pennsylvania. This was a big transition for me as well as Rhonda and Troy. Burke as he liked to be called started trucking shortly after we moved up here. I worked several places including an oil company and a carpet retailer. Burke and I were divorced after 14 years.
My third and present husband, Don is also a trucker. We were married in '89. I bought an old farm house in '87 with almost 5 acres. We have spent our entire maried life re-modeling our home. It is practically done and just in time for us to be able to enjoy it before we are too old.
I quit my job with the carpet company in '91 because of back surgery and I really wanted to start my own business. I had taken courses in floral arranging and loved it. So we built a shop for me attached to our barn.
Ten years later, I have a small business going specializing in florals for weddings. I finally found what I really love to do.
Rhonda will be 39 this year and she has a daughter, Caitlin who is almost 14. Rhonda graduated from Shippensburg College and is presently working in a local hospital in the Microbiology lab. Caitlin, the joy of my life, is in the gifted classes at the local school and is quite gifted musically. My son-in-law is also a trucker, an owner-operator like Don. He is originally from Missouri, where they will be moving to once school is over here for Caitlin. They have always lived near me and this I am not looking forward too in the least.
Troy lives in Newville as well. He will be 30 this year. He started college to major in criminal Justice, but quit after 2 years. He is presently working as a dockworker for Roadway Express. He is still a bachelor. My hopes for lots of grandkids may never be realized.
Don's son, Chris moved here from Illinois after he served in the military. Chris is 29 and he is a brand new father. Mackenzie was born Feb. 6 of this year and she is just a little doll. So we have two granddaughters as of now. Chris works in management for a local carpet manufacturer.
My mother passed away this past October at the age of 83 years young. She had a stroke earlier in the year and never recovered. For the first time in 29 years since I moved to Pa., I regretted moving so far away. All 5 of us and our spouses, 18 grandchildren and 5 great grand children miss her very much.
I can remember at 18 thinking people who were 30 were "old". When I reached the ripe ol' age of 30 my prospective changed, "old" was somewhere around 50. Well my 50th birthday has come and gone almost 8 years ago, and again my prospective has changed. I now perceive 90 as "old", quite a jump in years huh?
1993 biography
Since graduating in 1962, most of my time has been spent working and experiencing life. I've lived in PA 20 years now but both my children were born in N.O. After two marriages being the caregiver - my third marriage is giving and taking. I've worked in offices in many different positions - even managed one or two. I enjoy people and I enjoy my life in the north. With the exception of my family being still in LA. - I've never regretted the move. I retired from the outside work two years ago. My summers are spent now traveling around the country with my husband - who is a trucker, and gardening. In our spare time we're remodeling our home. I enjoy writing letters - I would enjoy corresponding with any classmates. I would also like to invite any of you that may ever be in my area in PA to stop in or at least call. You'd be more than welcome. Southern hospitality is not gone.